Associated Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Eugene HVAC’

Benefits of Routine HVAC Maintenance

Wednesday, June 19th, 2024

There are many benefits of routine HVAC maintenance for your home. In fact, upkeep is essential for your system. Your HVAC unit plays a pivotal role in ensuring your indoor comfort, air quality, and energy efficiency. Regular maintenance not only preserves the longevity of your system but also safeguards against potential malfunctions and costly repairs.

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How a New HVAC System Can Save You Money

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

When it comes to managing household expenses, one of the most impactful investments you can make is upgrading your HVAC system. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are crucial for maintaining a comfortable living environment, but they also play a significant role in your energy bills. If your current system is outdated, investing in a new, energy-efficient HVAC system can lead to substantial savings over time. Here’s how:

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Warning Signs of a Refrigerant Leak

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

Refrigerant leaks are a common headache for homeowners when it comes to their air conditioning systems. Yet, many people are unaware of the serious implications these leaks can have when it comes to the performance and longevity of their air conditioner.

As an HVAC company dedicated to keeping homes comfortable, Associated Heating and Air Conditioning wants to shed light on why refrigerant leaks are more than just a minor inconvenience and often call for AC repair in Springfield, OR.

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Allergy Season and Your Indoor Air Quality

Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

When flowers start blooming in the Willamette Valley, so does our dreaded allergy season. This causes discomfort for many people in our area. While we can’t do anything to control the pollen levels outdoors, we can take steps to make our indoor spaces a sanctuary from allergens. The most effective way to combat allergies indoors is by optimizing your HVAC system to improve your indoor air quality (IAQ). Let’s explore some things you can do this season!

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Why Spring is the Perfect Time to Install an AC System

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

Now that spring is here, don’t get caught up in the excitement of warmer weather and longer days. While it may seem premature to think about having an air conditioning system installed in your home, this time of year of is actually ideal. Summer will be here before we know it and with it will come extreme temperatures and unbearable heat. When the heat arrives, the urgency for relief sets in and our install schedule gets booked out for weeks to months.

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Celebrating Our March Employee of the Month

Wednesday, March 27th, 2024

We have an incredible team at Associated Heating & Air Conditioning! We celebrate them in many ways– including our Employee of the Month Award! A new recipient is awarded at our monthly meeting by the outgoing titleholder. They then get to choose who they’d like to pass the title to at the next company meeting. It’s important to us that the award remains employee-driven. This makes it a fun way to move the title throughout all of the different departments we have. The Employee of the Month Award has become a highlight at our monthly meetings!

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HVAC Checklist for Spring

Wednesday, March 20th, 2024

Spring has finally arrived in Oregon! This means it’s time to give your HVAC system the attention it needs this time of year. Proper maintenance ensures your indoor comfort. It also enhances energy efficiency , reduces utility bills, and extends the lifespan of your system. To ensure your system is ready, we’ve created a comprehensive HVAC checklist for spring!

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